Sport and Societies

Cor­pus post­grad­u­ates are involved in a wide range of activ­i­ties — from play­ing on Uni­ver­si­ty sports teams, to edit­ing the Cam­bridge Human­i­ties Review, to vol­un­teer­ing with Pint of Sci­ence, there are lots of ways to get involved as a stu­dent! At Leck­hamp­ton, there is a read­ing group meet­ing twice month­ly to dis­cuss short sto­ries and books, a group of stu­dents who gar­den at our very own veg patch, and plen­ty of sports teams to get involved with.

Music and The­atre

The Col­lege Choir sings in chapel and at many col­lege events. It also trav­els to incred­i­ble places to per­form dur­ing hol­i­days. The Bene’t Soci­ety is the col­lege’s music soci­ety and offers a range of ways to get involved with music at Cor­pus. Cor­pus has its own the­atre — the Cor­pus Play­room — and stu­dents can get involved with dra­ma through the Fletch­er Soci­ety (Cor­pus’ res­i­dent the­atre troupe).

Sport and Fit­ness

Cor­pus has a range of teams, play­ing var­i­ous sports at var­i­ous lev­els. You can join the MCR foot­ball team or take up row­ing. The col­lege has its own boathouse on the riv­er. Leck­hamp­ton has its own gym, foot­ball, crick­et, and rug­by pitch­es, clay and grass ten­nis courts, a squash court, net­ball courts, and ergs. If you’re liv­ing in col­lege accom­mo­da­tion, these will be steps away from your room. This makes it easy to stay active, despite the Cam­bridge work­load!

The Cor­pus MCR Foot­ball Team plays in an MCR league against grad­u­ates from oth­er col­leges every Sun­day dur­ing term time. We also organ­ise kick abouts dur­ing the sum­mer. Leck­hamp­ton has two bril­liant foot­ball pitch­es and great facil­i­ties. The foot­ball is played at a pret­ty relaxed lev­el — you don’t have to be the next Lionel Mes­si to play!

Join Cor­pus Swim Team if you are look­ing for a very friend­ly and inclu­sive atmos­phere! All abil­i­ties are wel­come. We also organ­ise socials (the Sun­day ses­sion is usu­al­ly fol­lowed by brunch) and we love stash!

Cor­pus has a long tra­di­tion in row­ing in Cam­bridge! The Cor­pus Christi Boat­ing Club (CCCBC) are always hap­py to wel­come new squad mem­bers into the crews. For more infor­ma­tion, check out the web­site.