

The Leck­hamp­ton gym fea­tures a range of basic gym equip­ment, lift­ing cages and free weights. It is avail­able to use at all hours, any day, pro­vid­ed you have watched the Col­lege gym induc­tion film avail­able on the main Col­lege web­site and com­plet­ed the asso­ci­at­ed form. It usu­al­ly takes three work­ing days for Col­lege to process your appli­ca­tion and give you access via your CAM­card.

Squash Courts

Squash courts are locat­ed at Leck­hamp­ton site, adja­cent to the gym. They can be booked via the JCR web­site, just hit the but­ton below!

Tennis Courts

Ten­nis courts are locat­ed at the end of the play­ing fields. They can be booked via the JCR web­site, just hit the but­ton below!


To arrange any game or equip­ment set-up, please e‑mail Mr. Andrew Pullin J.