Leckhampton Booking System

How do I host an Event?

If you want to host a pri­vate or MCR-based event at Leck, please com­plete the CEBS form avail­able on the col­lege web­site: Event Book­ing – Cor­pus Christi Col­lege.

How do I book the MCR (TV Room)?

If you want to book the MCR (TV Room), please add your name to the spread­sheet.

How do I book the Stand-Up Paddleboards (SUPs)?

If you want to book the Stand-Up Pad­dle­boards (SUPs), please con­tact the Sports Offi­cer at mcr_sport@corpus.cam.ac.uk.

How do I book the Punts?

Before book­ing, make sure to read all of the instruc­tions on the punt­ing page first. Punts can be booked using the FMS Book­ing Sys­tem.

How do I book the Tennis/Squash Courts?

To book the ten­nis or squash courts, please use the JCR Web­site

How do I book the BBQ?

The BBQ is cur­rent­ly unavail­able for book­ing.

How do I rent an MCR Bicycle?

MCR Bicy­cles are cur­rent­ly not avail­able for book­ing.