Other Services

Board Games

We have a large col­lec­tion of board games at Leck­hamp­ton. Often, peo­ple play spon­ta­neous­ly after din­ner or have games and a drink at the bar. There is also a Leck­hamp­ton board games soci­ety group on Face­book.

Any­one can sub­mit a request for board games to be bought via Com­mu­ni­ty Grants!

Camp Beds

Ever won­dered where your guests will sleep? Get a camp bed in your room for up to three con­sec­u­tive nights. They can be booked via Aldona. We advise you to book at least one day in advance. E‑mail Aldona Mal­iszews­ka at am999@corpus.cam.ac.uk.

Grad­u­ate Par­lour

The Grad­u­ate Par­lour is a room set with­in the Col­lege’s main site, exclu­sive­ly for MCR use. This could be a qui­et work­ing space or a social meet­ing envi­ron­ment. The room can also be used to store your gown after for­mal din­ners. The Grad­u­ate Par­lour can be found in the West cor­ner of the pidge room.

Laun­dry Room

The laun­dry room is locat­ed north of Leck­hamp­ton House, equipped with irons, iron­ing boards, and an out­door wash­ing line.

Bar­ton Road and Sel­wyn Gar­dens have sep­a­rate laun­dry facil­i­ties.