Library and Computer Room

Leck­hamp­ton Library is our own per­son­al read­ing library. Here you’ll find a range of books to read for plea­sure, from clas­sic nov­els to con­tem­po­rary lit­er­a­ture and non-fic­tion. The library is a social space and a place to study, with both desks and com­mu­nal seat­ing avail­able.

Essen­tial FAQs of Leck­hamp­ton Library

  • Where is the library? Ground floor of the GTB (under­neath the A‑D block).
  • How do I get in? Access the library with your Uni­ver­si­ty Card any time of the day or night.
  • How do I find a book? Down­load a list of the books at Leck­hamp­ton Library here. You can also search for books on iDis­cov­er, where they can be found as a sub­set of the Tay­lor Library under Cor­pus Christi Col­lege.
  • How do I bor­row a book? Write your name and the book title in the log­book. There is no lim­it on the num­ber of books you can bor­row or the length of time you can keep then.
  • Can I bring food or drink in? No, with the excep­tion of water.
  • Can I use the library for an event? Yes! You can book the library by send­ing an email to Aldona at
  • How can I sug­gest a book? Fill in the Google form. We pur­chase new books for the library every year and we’re always look­ing for sug­ges­tions. Keep in mind that this is a gen­er­al-pur­pose read­ing library, so aca­d­e­m­ic books and text­books won’t be the pri­or­i­ty of Leck­hamp­ton Library – instead, why not sug­gest them for the Tay­lor Library?

Com­put­er Room

The com­put­er room is locat­ed on the ground floor of the GTB build­ing, right next to the library. It is pro­vid­ed with two com­put­ers and a print­er. More­over, clean­ing kits for your lap­top and for oth­er elec­tron­ic equip­ment are avail­able and can be freely used by mem­bers of the MCR.