May Ball

On alter­nat­ing years Cor­pus and St. Cather­ine’s Col­lege hold May Balls (which are con­fus­ing­ly in June). In 2025 it is Cor­pus’ turn to hold the ball, and the theme will be ‘Ele­ments’. Tick­et­ing infor­ma­tion, bag pol­i­cy, dress code, and more can be found here.

May Balls typ­i­cal­ly start at 9pm and con­tin­ue until around 6am the next day — make sure to stay awake for the sur­vivors’ pho­to! Expect big name musi­cal acts, lots of fun enter­tain­ment and end­less free food and drinks! Next year, a May Ball will be held by St. Cather­ine’s Col­lege and Cor­pus stu­dents will be giv­en pri­or­i­ty access to these tick­ets.  

May Balls are expen­sive but they are a must-do when in Cam­bridge! Many balls have options to work part of the ball in exchange for free entry to the rest. For infor­ma­tion on work­ing at the Cor­pus May Ball check the web­site above.