MCR Green

Wel­come to Leckhampton’s Green Site!

Green mat­ters are play­ing a big role in Cor­pus Christi Col­lege and we, the post­grad com­mu­ni­ty and Col­lege staff, are giv­ing our best every day to reduce the College’s impact on the envi­ron­ment.

Please find here an overview of our ini­tia­tives and ideas on how you can con­tribute to make Leck­hamp­ton an even green­er and friend­lier place.


  • You can find recy­cling bins in all build­ings. Not sure what goes in there? Please find a guide on local recy­cling guide­lines here: Recy­cling in Cam­bridge.
  • As a post­grad liv­ing in Leck­hamp­ton, you have the great option to sign up for an organ­ic recy­cling scheme to sep­a­rate your organ­ic waste. If you sign up, you will be pro­vid­ed with an organ­ic waste recy­cling bin and respec­tive bin lin­ers.
    How­ev­er, please note that you will be respon­si­ble to clean and emp­ty the bins your­self in the green waste bin which can be found e.g. next to the laun­dry facil­i­ty. In case you are inter­est­ed in sign­ing up, please noti­fy you Greens and Char­i­ties offi­cer under
  • A recy­cling box for old bat­ter­ies and car­tridges can be found in the post room.
  • There is a British Heart Foun­da­tion dona­tion box in the laun­dry room for every­one who would like to donate their clothes or oth­er items.
  • There is a yel­low bin avail­able for the plant-based, com­postable food­ser­vice pack­ag­ing (Veg­wear) that cater­ing uses for take­away foods.


  •  The house­keep­ing team is work­ing hard on main­tain­ing stu­dents’ accom­mo­da­tion in the ‘green­est’ way pos­si­ble. All house­keep­ing prod­ucts are eco-friend­ly, and bot­tles are recy­cled when­ev­er pos­si­ble. Bro­ken elec­tri­cal equip­ment is always dis­posed of safe­ly.
  • As a stu­dent liv­ing in Leck­hamp­ton, you have the option to dry your laun­dry on wash­ing lines out­side the laun­dry room instead of using tum­ble dry­ers. This saves ener­gy and reduces wear on cloth­ing, too 😊
  • All light bulbs in Leck­hamp­ton accom­mo­da­tion are ener­gy-sav­ing ones. Nev­er­the­less, please make sure that you always switch off lights and appli­ances when you leave a room.
  • Please turn down your room ther­mo­stat or the ther­mo­stat on your room radi­a­tor if you are going out and close your win­dows and cur­tains to keep the heat in.
  • Please keep your show­er time to a rea­son­able length to reduce water con­sump­tion.
  • A drip­ping tap or a ther­mo­stat that is not work­ing? Please report it to main­te­nance via


  • The fastest, cheap­est, and envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­liest way of get­ting around Cam­bridge is walk­ing and cycling. The MCR offers the option to rent bikes – if you are inter­est­ed please con­tact the cur­rent bike offi­cer (or a mem­ber of the MCR Com­mit­tee).
  • Once per year, the col­lege col­lects bro­ken bicy­cles and gives them to the char­i­ty OWL. They repair and sell the bikes with a prof­it going to the char­i­ty.


  • Reduc­ing meat con­sump­tion and gen­er­al reliance on ani­mal prod­ucts help sig­nif­i­cant­ly to decrease your car­bon foot­print. In Cor­pus main site and Leck­hamp­ton din­ing hall, dai­ly veg­e­tar­i­an options are pro­vid­ed, and also veg­an options on a reg­u­lar basis. In case you would like to learn more about liv­ing with­out the use of ani­mal prod­ucts, please also con­sid­er join­ing the Cor­pus Christi Veg­an Soci­ety – every­one (both veg­ans and non-veg­ans) is wel­come!


  •  We are proud to have one of the most beau­ti­ful Col­lege gar­dens in Cam­bridge! The gar­den team works hard to ensure that bio­di­ver­si­ty is encour­aged through care­ful man­age­ment of the gar­dens with bat and bird nest­ing box­es and bug hotels. Please always feel invit­ed to enjoy the beau­ty gar­dens, but remem­ber to treat nature with the respect it deserves 😊  

Veg­gie patch

Fan­cy some gar­den­ing? An impor­tant part of Leck­hamp­ton gar­dens is our Veg­gie patch which stu­dents can use to grow their own plants and veg­eta­bles. It can be found next to Cran­mer Road 23 — with a gar­den shed con­tain­ing gar­den­ing equip­ment and seeds near­by. A cur­rent overview can be found here: Leck­hamp­ton Veg­gie Patch. Please get in touch with the Greens Offi­cer if inter­est­ed in tak­ing part!

Sus­tain­able liv­ing in Cam­bridge

You  would like to know more about liv­ing sus­tain­ably in Cam­bridge? Under this Link you can find a col­lec­tion of tips from your fel­low stu­dents — cov­er­ing for exam­ple food, fash­ion, ser­vices or infor­ma­tion resources. In case you have any tips your­self, please feel free to add them to the spread­sheet. It will be a help­ful guide for all cur­rent stu­dents and future stu­dents to come!

Get Involved

Get­ting curi­ous? In case you would like to get reg­u­lar­ly updat­ed about Green events hap­pen­ing across the Uni­ver­si­ty, please con­sid­er join­ing the Cor­pus Envi­ron­men­tal Soci­ety or sign up for the Cam­bridge Uni­ver­si­ty Green­lines Newslet­ter.

If you have any more ques­tions or sug­ges­tions, please feel free to con­tact your Green Offi­cer any time:😊