Music Room

The Stephen Hales room (known as the piano room), with­in Leck­hamp­ton House, has a Stein­way Piano and two gui­tars (clas­si­cal and steel string).

These instru­ments are avail­able for all post-grad­u­ate cor­pus mem­bers to use. These instru­ments need to be looked after. Please be gen­tle with them and use them only as intend­ed. Ensure you have clean hands and do not have food or drinks close to the instru­ments. The cov­er should be replaced on the piano after use and the gui­tars replaced in their stands. Please also be care­ful when play­ing and car­ry­ing them.

The Gui­tars may be tak­en to dif­fer­ent rooms in Leck­hamp­ton House e.g the bar, TV room or warden’s meet­ing room. How­ev­er, they must be returned to the music room after­wards. They should not be tak­en out of Leck­hamp­ton House, should not be in played or kept in people’s rooms or tak­en off Leck­hamp­ton grounds. There is a tuner and capo avail­able in the sec­ond draw­er of the cab­i­net next to the piano. Again these should be returned after use. If you have changed the tun­ing of the gui­tars, please re-tune them to stan­dard tun­ing once you have fin­ished.

If you have any ques­tions or con­cerns please con­tact the Leck­hamp­ton Soci­ety Sec­re­tary

Main Col­lege (Trump­ing­ton St) has music rooms avail­able for book­ing. To book a music room to prac­tice all your fine tunes, use this form.