
Leck­hamp­ton Bar (“Leck­Bar”) is in many ways a social hub of the MCR com­mu­ni­ty, espe­cial­ly since the addi­tion of a foos­ball table in ear­ly 2023! The bar is open Tues­day-Sat­ur­day from 19:00–23:00 (18:30–23:00 on Tues­days) dur­ing term time and pay­ments can be made both by uni­ver­si­ty card or credit/debit card. Our won­der­ful bar team keeps a wide selec­tion of alco­holic and non-alco­holic drinks in stock and is always open to rec­om­men­da­tions from stu­dents! Last but not least, the bar reg­u­lar­ly hosts fun events, such as themed drinks, cock­tail mas­ter­class­es, pub quizzes, or board game nights!

  • Image cred­its @leckbar