
Post­grad­u­ate life revolves around the Leck­hamp­ton site (“Leck” for friends), where most stu­dents’ accom­mo­da­tions are locat­ed.

Leck takes its name after Leck­hamp­ton House, a late-Vic­to­ri­an house built in 1881 on Col­lege grounds. The site accom­mo­dates a recent­ly re-designed din­ing hall that serves week­day din­ners, a stu­dent-run bar, a gym and play­ing fields, a TV room, a library, and a com­put­er room. These facil­i­ties are avail­able for all Cor­pus post­grads to use.

  • Pho­to by Peter Ped­er­sen