Elections and Constitution

Each year, a new MCR Com­mit­tee will be formed dur­ing the Michael­mas term. Elec­tions are held in the last four weeks of the Michael­mas Term to elect the MCR Com­mit­tee for the next cal­en­dar year. Pres­i­den­tial elec­tions are first, fol­lowed by the rest of the com­mit­tee. If an incum­bent offi­cer fin­ish­es their time at Cor­pus (e.g. com­plet­ing their MPhil degree), there will be a by-elec­tion to replace the offi­cer. There will first be a nom­i­na­tion peri­od, where any­one can sign up to run for the role. You will need to be pro­posed and sec­ond­ed by oth­er mem­bers of the MCR com­mu­ni­ty. You will then sub­mit a man­i­festo and attend a ‘hus­tings’ to dis­cuss your ideas for the role.

If you are con­sid­er­ing being part of the com­mit­tee (DO IT!), please con­tact the rel­e­vant incum­bent offi­cer to dis­cuss the role and keep a look­out for the open­ing of nom­i­na­tions towards the end of the Michael­mas term.


This is the lat­est ver­sion of the MCR Con­sti­tu­tion (only for MCR mem­bers; you will be asked to log in):