Elections and Constitution

Each year, a new MCR Committee will be formed during the Michaelmas term. Elections are held in the last four weeks of the Michaelmas Term to elect the MCR Committee for the next calendar year. Presidential elections are first, followed by the rest of the committee. If an incumbent officer finishes their time at Corpus (e.g. completing their MPhil degree), there will be a by-election to replace the officer. There will first be a nomination period, where anyone can sign up to run for the role. You will need to be proposed and seconded by other members of the MCR community. You will then submit a manifesto and attend a ‘hustings’ to discuss your ideas for the role.

If you are considering being part of the committee (DO IT!), please contact the relevant incumbent officer to discuss the role and keep a lookout for the opening of nominations towards the end of the Michaelmas term.


This is the latest version of the MCR Constitution (only for MCR members; you will be asked to log in):