Community Grants

Com­mu­ni­ty Grants

A sub­stan­tial pro­por­tion of the MCR bud­get is reserved for com­mu­ni­ty grants. Essen­tial­ly, this rep­re­sents a sum of mon­ey that any MCR com­mu­ni­ty mem­ber can apply to fund events or pur­chas­es ben­e­fit­ing the wider com­mu­ni­ty or a group of ‘cor­pus­cles’.

Pro­pos­als for com­mu­ni­ty grants should include an esti­mate of the involved cost (if need­ed, the MCR Trea­sur­er can help with this) and a short jus­ti­fi­ca­tion of how the grant, if approved, will ben­e­fit the MCR com­mu­ni­ty. Ideas and cost­ed pro­pos­als for com­mu­ni­ty grants are encour­aged at any time of the year and should be direct­ed to the MCR Trea­sur­er (

NEW: If you wish to submit a proposal, fill it in and send it to the MCR Treasurer (

Con­sid­er­a­tion of sub­mit­ted pro­pos­als will depend on the amount request­ed:

  • Pro­pos­als val­ued less than £50 will be eval­u­at­ed by the MCR Trea­sur­er
  • Pro­pos­als between £50 and £100 will be eval­u­at­ed by the MCR com­mit­tee exec­u­tive body (Pres­i­dent, Vice Pres­i­dent, Sec­re­tary and Trea­sur­er) on a rolling basis. Three votes in favour of the pro­pos­al will be need­ed to approve the grant
  • Pro­pos­als between £100 and £200 will go before the whole MCR com­mit­tee on a rolling basis. Resound­ing sup­port (>50% com­mit­tee mem­bers) is need­ed to approve the grant.
  • Pro­pos­als exceed­ing £200 will be dis­cussed and vot­ed on at the next sched­uled Open Com­mit­tee Meet­ing. Par­tic­i­pa­tion of the proposer(s) in the meet­ing is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed for dis­cus­sions. Resound­ing sup­port (>50% mem­bers) is need­ed to approve the grant.

The MCR Trea­sur­er will update pro­posers when a deci­sion has been made. A sum­ma­ry of all appli­ca­tions made in peri­ods between com­mit­tee meet­ings will be shared with the MCR Com­mit­tee in the Treasurer’s update at each meet­ing — this will be includ­ed in the meet­ing min­utes and cir­cu­lat­ed to the com­mu­ni­ty by the MCR Sec­re­tary.

Please speak to the MCR Trea­sur­er if you have ques­tions about com­mu­ni­ty grants.

Exam­ples of Com­mu­ni­ty Grants approved in 2024:

  • A lam­i­na­tor (£31.28) and a book­binder (£84.23)
  • Board Games (£91.55)
  • A bike pump (£25.99)