
We are all at Cam­bridge to study, and aca­d­e­m­ic pur­suits are def­i­nite­ly every­one’s first pri­or­i­ty, but at Cor­pus we also believe social­is­ing is an impor­tant part of gen­er­al well-being. The com­mit­tee endeav­ours to put on a range of events appeal­ing to every­one — whether that’s gath­er­ing togeth­er in the TV room, to watch Bake Off or Game of Thrones; vis­it­ing the Botan­ic Gar­dens, for the year­ly Apple Fes­ti­val; danc­ing the night away, at the Burns’ Night ceilidh, or attend­ing a pub quiz, there will be some­thing social that suits your fan­cy!
