
The JCR and MCR share two punts (‘Cor­pun­tle’ and ‘Pun­ty McPunt­face’) for all Cor­pus stu­dents to use! They are moored at St John’s Col­lege. To book a slot, please fol­low the instruc­tions on the FMS Book­ing Sys­tem. Note: the punts can be booked for a max­i­mum of 2 hours. Stu­dents will be charged £7.50 per 2 hour book­ing and you can pay by credit/debit card at the Cor­pus Porters lodge when you pick up the keys.

Impor­tant Infor­ma­tion:

  • A max­i­mum of 6 peo­ple can use one punt at the same time.
  • The keys must be returned to the Porter’s Lodge before your 2 hours elapse, and the punts must be returned by 08:30 p.m. Non-Joh­ni­ans are remind­ed that the Col­lege clos­es its gates at 10:00 p.m.
  • Please treat the punts with respect and care. They are a shared asset of our com­mu­ni­ty. Return the punt as you would like to find it. Throw away any rub­bish, clean up any mess and use the pro­vid­ed sponges to bail out the water.
  • There is a lim­it­ed num­ber of punts (2) and a lot of peo­ple in our com­mu­ni­ty, so please try to be respect­ful of oth­ers when book­ing, and avoid book­ing more than one ses­sion per week.
  • The per­son mak­ing the book­ing must be present at all times dur­ing the out­ing and is respon­si­ble for the behav­iour of their guests. You are not allowed to make book­ings for oth­er per­sons.
  • All punt hire is at the hirer’s own risk. The hir­er war­rants that both them­selves and all pas­sen­gers have suf­fi­cient training/expertise (includ­ing swim­ming abil­i­ties) for the out­ing.
  • Before usage, please check if the punts are dam­aged. If so, please take a pic­ture and report it to the Admi­ral of the Punt. If you do dam­age the punt dur­ing use, report it as soon as pos­si­ble.
  • Pri­vate punts may not be tak­en out of the punt pool after dark: the Porters have instruc­tions not to issue keys to the punt store or the quay­side for this pur­pose after dark. Fail­ure to adhere to this rule may result in us los­ing the right to moor at St John’s Quay.
  • If you want to can­cel your book­ing, please email the Porter’s Lodge at least 48 hours in advance. Oth­er­wise, you will be charged on your col­lege bill based on your book­ings.
  • Please be aware that for the May Week peri­od, the punts can­not be used whilst prepa­ra­tions for / clear­ing up of the St’John’s May Ball take place. In addi­tion, there may be oth­er inter­rup­tions to access dur­ing the year for which notice will be giv­en near­er the time.
  • By reserv­ing a slot, and sign­ing in with your CRSID, you auto­mat­i­cal­ly con­firm that you have under­stood and agreed to the afore­men­tioned rules.  Mul­ti­ple fail­ures to adhere to these rules may result in us los­ing the right to moor at St John’s Quay. So please behave respon­si­bly if you want to keep on enjoy­ing your punt­ing priv­i­leges.
  • Safe punt­ing 🙂

On the day of your book­ing:

  • Once you have booked the punt, you can col­lect the keys from the Cor­pus Christi Porter’s Lodge. You will be charged upon col­lec­tion of the keys and giv­en instruc­tions for the locks.
  • Head to the Cripps lodge of St. John’s Col­lege (https://goo.gl/maps/jvDPkH71X9j4wqjc9), and they will direct you to the Back Quay, over the bridge of sighs, where the punts are kept.
  • Go to the dock­ing sta­tion for the punt that you booked (make sure to check the name of the punt before using it).
  • Check the punt for any dam­age before using it. If you spot any­thing sus­pi­cious, please take a pic­ture and send it to the Admi­ral of the Punt.
  • Punt!
  • Bring back the punt before the end of your booked time. The punts must be returned by sun­down.
  • Clean up the punt and bail (remove excess water inside) using the sponge pro­vid­ed.
  • Lock the punt and return the key to the porter before your 2 hours elapse.

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact the Pres­i­dent of the MCR (James Faulkn­er, mcr_president@corpus.cam.ac.uk).