Bike Rental

The Cor­pus MCR has two bikes avail­able to hire on a short-term basis to mem­bers, ide­al for guests and when your bike is out of action. Cruise across town on our medi­um-sized Raleigh bike or large Spar­ta bike.

Road bike

To book an MCR bike (£4 per day, charged to your Col­lege account) email the Bicy­cle Offi­cer (Alexan­dru Coca) at

Once a term, the Bike Offi­cer runs a bike care work­shop. In between work­shops, the Bike Clean­ing and Main­te­nance Kit can be accessed by email­ing the Bicy­cle Offi­cer and a bike pump is avail­able in the bike shed behind the Kho build­ing.