All members of Corpus Christi College, irrespective of seniority, can access many of the facilities offered at the Leckhampton site, such as the gardens, the sports fields and the gym, the pool, etc… — provided that the relevant rules of each area are respected at all times.
However, if you are a fourth year JCR Member, a partner of a full MCR Member or an External Associate of the College, you can also apply for MCR Associate Membership. The MCR Associate Membership status provides a number of additional benefits, such as access to Leckhampton House, parties, and MCR social events.
If you wish to apply for MCR Associate Membership, and you are a rising or current Fourth Year member of the Corpus Christi JCR, please first contact the JCR President to discuss applying and read the following form carefully, fill it in and submit it to If you are the partner of a full member of the Corpus Christi MCR or an External Associate of the College please email the MCR Secretary to discuss application procedures. Your application will be discussed at the next MCR Committee Meeting and we will contact you by email!