
The MCR com­mit­tee con­sists of fel­low stu­dents elect­ed by the MCR to rep­re­sent the post­grad­u­ate community’s inter­ests in col­lege and the uni­ver­si­ty. We put on fun par­ties and inter­est­ing speak­ers and help make sure every­thing runs smooth­ly. Cor­pus is a very well-fund­ed MCR, mean­ing we have a great bud­get for run­ning events and many oppor­tu­ni­ties to make your pas­sion a real­i­ty here.
MCR Com­mit­tee Exec­u­tive Team
MCR Com­mit­tee Wel­fare Team

The 2025 MCR Committee

Pres­i­dent — Odara Medagedara

I’m a PhD stu­dent based at the MRC Tox­i­col­o­gy Unit and the Gur­don Insti­tute. My research involves devel­op­ing a new method by which to holis­ti­cal­ly char­ac­terise air­way tox­i­c­i­ty. As MCR Pres­i­dent, my role is to work along­side the rest of the Com­mit­tee to rep­re­sent the views of the MCR to the Col­lege so we can fos­ter a wel­com­ing and enrich­ing envi­ron­ment for you here at Cor­pus.

Vice Pres­i­dent — Emma Bouck­ley

I’m a maths PhD stu­dent study­ing the flu­id dynam­ics of soft porous media. As Vice, my job is to rep­re­sent the MCR in col­lege mat­ters along­side the pres­i­dent, as well as to sup­port all oth­er com­mit­tee roles in their work.

Trea­sur­er - Lau­ra Erbet­ta

I am a PhD stu­dent in the Depart­ment of Plant Sci­ences work­ing on mod­el­ling the spread and man­age­ment of plant pests and pathogens. As Trea­sur­er, I over­see the MCR bud­get so that it can be used effi­cient­ly to sup­port the needs and activ­i­ties of the MCR. Feel free to get in touch if you have any bud­get-relat­ed ques­tions!

Sec­re­tary - Mark Yin

I’m a PhD stu­dent in Crim­i­nol­o­gy research­ing how chil­dren in con­flict with the law engage with legal deci­sion-mak­ing. As sec­re­tary, I help keep the MCR updat­ed on what’s hap­pen­ing with the com­mit­tee – par­tic­u­lar­ly our meet­ings and oth­er events. Sing out if there is any infor­ma­tion about any of this that you’re miss­ing!

Social — Zuzan­na Krause

I am an Oncol­o­gy PhD stu­dent at the Ear­ly Can­cer Insti­tute, where I look at the evo­lu­tion­ary dynam­ics of acute myeloid leukaemia. As a social sec­re­tary I will be mak­ing sure that you have an enjoy­able time in Cam­bridge and feel a part of the MCR!

Social — Dim­itris Paparas

I am an Agri-Robot­ics PhD stu­dent and mem­ber of the Agri­FoR­wArdS CDT. My cur­rent work has a lot to do with straw­ber­ries — and, cur­rent­ly, lit­tle to do with robot­ics. 🤖🍓

Peer pres­sure got to me, and so now I’m in charge of your fun. 🎉

Social — Sára Tóth

My name is Sara; I moved to the UK from Hun­gary, Budapest, for my stud­ies. For my under­grad­u­ate degree, I stud­ied Physics at King’s Col­lege Lon­don, and cur­rent­ly, I’m pur­su­ing an MPhil in Sci­en­tif­ic Com­put­ing degree at Cam­bridge. Since I joined Cor­pus Christi, I have fall­en in love with its vibrant MCR com­mu­ni­ty, and I want­ed to con­tribute to uphold­ing its old tra­di­tions and cre­at­ing new ones. That is how I end­ed up being one of the social reps this year. I hope that I will deliv­er many won­der­ful events with the help of the oth­er MCR com­mit­tee mem­bers, and feel free to message/e‑mail me any­time if you have any questions/ideas about events at Cor­pus 🙂

Part­ners and Fam­i­lies — James Faulkn­er

I am a PhD stu­dent at the Cam­bridge Graphene Cen­tre, study­ing the opti­cal physics of graphene at high car­ri­er con­cen­tra­tions and its appli­ca­tions in nov­el bat­tery tech­nol­o­gy.

Wel­fare - Pablo Araguas Rodriguez

I’m a PhD stu­dent in Syn­thet­ic Biol­o­gy, work­ing to devel­op new biotech­nolo­gies. In my free time, I like cycling, hik­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy, and draw­ing. As the Wel­fare and LGBTQ+ Offi­cer, I work with the rest of the Com­mit­tee to ensure everyone’s time at Cor­pus (and Cam­bridge as a whole) is as enjoy­able and whole­some as pos­si­ble. 😊🏳️‍🌈

Wel­fare - Helen Pre­to­rius

I’m a PhD stu­dent in Eng­lish from Aus­tralia. As the Wel­fare Offi­cer, my job is to sup­port the well­be­ing of the MCR com­mu­ni­ty. Please reach out if you have any ques­tions or ideas about wel­fare ini­tia­tives at Cor­pus!

Sus­tain­abil­i­ty and Char­i­ties - Sophia Feist

I am a PhD Can­di­date in His­to­ry, research­ing court tai­lors, dress, and pol­i­tics in the six­teenth-cen­tu­ry Holy Roman Empire. As Greens Offi­cer, I com­mu­ni­cate with the col­lege about sus­tain­abil­i­ty and host greens events and ini­tia­tives in the MCR com­mu­ni­ty.

Leck­Soc — Anna Van Urk

I am a PhD stu­dent in Eng­lish, study­ing Dan­te’s Divine Com­e­dy in post­colo­nial set­tings. As Leck­Soc Offi­cer, I organ­ise spaces in which post­grad­u­ate stu­dents at Cor­pus can share their research with each oth­er.

Com­put­er - Dim­itris Paparas

📡 dial-up screech 404: Sleep Not Found
👨‍💻 (typ­ing furi­ous­ly in a dark room)

Your friend­ly neigh­bour­hood Com­put­er Offi­cer. Let me know if any­thing techy needs atten­tion. Keep­ing you safe from cyber­crim­i­nals since 2025 (debat­able).

Inter­na­tion­al - Yashas Raj

I am a PhD Stu­dent at the Cen­tre for Cli­mate Repair. I am also from Boston, USA! As your inter­na­tion­al stu­dent rep­re­sen­ta­tive, I will always be avail­able to answer any ques­tions or con­cerns you may have while set­tling into Cam­bridge. I’ll also be orga­niz­ing events for our inter­na­tion­al stu­dents, includ­ing cul­tur­al food potlucks, so we can get a ‘taste’ of every­one’s back­grounds! If there’s any way I can help make Cor­pus a home away from home, please let me know 🙂

Library - Amber Kir­wan

Hel­lo! I’m Amber, a PhD stu­dent in Eng­lish work­ing on mid-20th-cen­tu­ry African-Amer­i­can peri­od­i­cals. I like books, talk­ing about books and long walks on the beach (with a book!). As the MCR library offi­cer, I take care of the Leck­hamp­ton library and organ­ise fun book-and-read­ing-relat­ed activ­i­ties. If you have any quib­bles or queries about the library ping me a mes­sage.

Dis­abled Stu­dents’ Offi­cer

This posi­tion is cur­rent­ly vacant.
Please get in touch if you’d like to be involved!

Cater­ing and Bar — Bene­dict Turn­er-Berry

Sports — Jon­ny Bre­he­ny

I am a PhD stu­dent from the UK work­ing on the use­ful­ness of cli­mate risks in pre­dict­ing future stock returns with­in the Depart­ment of Land Econ­o­my. As Sports Offi­cer, I am nat­u­ral­ly respon­si­ble for all mat­ters involv­ing sport, and am always look­ing for sug­ges­tions on things I can do to improve your sport­ing expe­ri­ence at Cor­pus!

LGBTQIA+ — Pablo Araguas Rodriguez

I’m a PhD stu­dent in Syn­thet­ic Biol­o­gy, work­ing to devel­op new biotech­nolo­gies. In my free time, I like cycling, hik­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy, and draw­ing. As the Wel­fare and LGBTQ+ Offi­cer, I work with the rest of the Com­mit­tee to ensure everyone’s time at Cor­pus (and Cam­bridge as a whole) is as enjoy­able and whole­some as pos­si­ble. 😊🏳️‍🌈

Eth­nic Diver­si­ty — Josh Abioye

Eth­nic Diver­si­ty — Marie-Ange Cama­ra